Veronique-Anne Epiter
60 Joy St. #201
Boston, MA 02114
Véronique-Anne Epiter
Véronique-Anne Epiter is a singer and visual artist. She studied piano as a child. She wrote
poems and illustrated her own children’s tales at the age of twelve. She majored in Voice
at the Conservatory of Music and graduated with a Master’s Degree in Foreign Languages
from the University in Perpignan, France. She co-published/illustrated her first poetry book,
“Lyres et Délires” before departing to Boston, Massachusetts in 1983.
Véronique had the privilege to study under the wing of David Blair Mc Closky and was the first
student in the program he created at the Boston Conservatory. After her teacher passed, she
joined Ms. Iride Pilla’s Opera Studio. Véronique graduated in1990 with a MM in Vocal Pedagogy/
Voice Therapy, intending to use her expertise to help children with asthma and learning disabilities. In the following years she continued studying with her late mentor’s wife, Barbara McClosky. Upon a formal review of Véronique’s credentials, Lin Wallin Schuller, founding President of the McClosky Institute of Voice, welcomed her as a CMVT and a member of the Institute.
Véronique sang in a number of choirs including the Tanglewood Chorus Festival.
A member of Boston artists community, she has done vocal and visual performances in
multiple venues including the Advent School, the Springhouse, Gallery at the Piano Factory,
Old West Church, Black Indian Inn, Susan Bailis ALC, West End Library, Harriet Tubman’s
House, French Library in Boston... Véronique has sung for Peace and Social Justice events:
Boston State House, JFK Library, African Meeting House, Hibernian Hall, AME Zion Church,
Mass College of Arts, Community Church of Boston, AAMARP, Amherst, Museum of the
National Center of Afro-American Artists, UMass Boston... She has been invited yearly by the
Cambridge Peace Corps, to sing her song “My Name Is Peace” on Martin Luther King’s Birthday.
Véronique writes in several languages and sings classical and jazz as well as spiritual songs.
She published “Moon Fever”, a poetry selection including lyrics to original songs; she gave
multimedia performances featuring her book and paintings at Grove Hall, South End, Hyde Park
libraries... West Medford Community Center… and her own Plume de Fleur Artist Gallery. Her art
and poetry have been featured at Cambridge and Boston City Hall. Véronique’s poem “Hug Ten
Times Fold” was selected for the 2015 Mayor’s Poetry Program. She was interviewed live and
featured in poetry, visual art, song and dance on BNN-TV. She can be found on YouTube.
She has taught voice and conducted vocal healing sessions privately, done art/singing sessions
with special needs youth; as a language and voice teacher she has combined visually creative
work with her teaching and choreographed original songs written for/with young students.
She draws inspiration from her desire to contribute to a world where all children can blossom
harmoniously. Her artistic expression delivers a consistent message of Peace.