These seminar participants each worked on their singing and speaking voices during one of our four-day Summer Seminars.
They were recorded on the first day, and again on the last day.

Before: The speaker uses a flat, nasal quality and has some cracking.
After: Now the voice is higher in pitch, clearer, and more lyrical with varied inflections. There is better resonance, and he sounds more youthful.

Before: The speaker has a vocal disorder. Her voice is hoarse and husky, with a somewhat low pitch range. It sounds as if the vocal folds are not adducting well. She also has a labored intake of air before each phrase.
After: The speaker uses a higher pitch range; inhalation is less labored. She works to use good airflow. There is more clarity of tone. She will need more time to make greater strides, but in just a few days she has begun to achieve a much easier onset of tone.

Before: The singer's tone is not unpleasant, but is thin and lacks clarity in the low range. There is slight pushing as the singer uses tight vowels. The vocal folds are not approximating cleanly and the tone lacks breath flow. She can barely phonate on the last syllable of "gallant-ly."
After: In a few days, the tone has become warmer, more powerful, with more clarity and focus. The airflow is more efficient and the vibrato steadier. The singer has built up her endurance, and has achieved a more consistent and free-sounding tone. (The recording volume on the microphone was not adjusted to adapt to her louder high notes.)

Before: This speaker already has a pleasant timbre and good pitch range, but the words are not supported. There is poor airflow, some squeezing and tightness.
After: There is much better support and airflow, nice resonance, a warmer color, and more depth of tone. The speaker also sounds more confident.